Energy forest - short rotation plantations

Wood production on farmland

For several decades, the interest in biomass for energy production is increasing. Wood as a raw material is becoming increasingly popular. For a few decades now, it has been possible to grow short-rotation plantations so that the forest can be operated sustainably. These are trees that have a lot of growth in their first years and therefore they generate a lot of biomass. The following chart shows the value creation process for the short rotation plantations. The harvest sequence is between 4 and 20 years and therefore much shorter than in conventional forest management.


Behind every successful product is a lot of work. At short rotation plantations a lot is discussed about the harvesting. Today no optimal harvesting technology is available for the short rotation plantations. The Stembundler machine puts an end to this. The innovative harvesting technology offers the management of short rotation plantations completely new perspectives. Areas that were previously unthinkable to manage with short rotation plantations are now manageable. Short rotation plantations is becoming lucrative at small areas for the first time.


Sustainable farming is not possible in forestry without SRP in the future. However, cultivation is only worthwhile if the harvest is also easily possible. Then KUP can meet the ever-increasing demand for firewood without exploiting the forest.
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